AP Studio Level 4 Art
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Welcome to AP and Level 4 Art! I've attached the syllabus for both Level 4 and AP Art to this website since these meet during the same class block. Additional information is available to students on Schoology.
You can contact me via email or by joining our AP Art/Level 4 Remind using the code: @933g4e (enter in Remind App or text code to 81010)
Visual Arts Level 4 Syllabus
This is the syllabus for Level 4 Visual Arts for Fall 2021.
Level 4 Syllabus - Updated August 2021.docx 985.11 KB (Last Modified on August 20, 2021) INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)AP Art and Design/Drawing Syllabus
This is the syllabus for AP Studio Art for the 2021-2022 school year.
AP Studio Art Syllabus 2021-22.docx 985.71 KB (Last Modified on August 20, 2021) INTERNAL LINK Comments (-1)