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Enterprise High School

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Enterprise High School


Sra. Ramos

Course Description

This course includes the basics of reading, writing, and speaking Spanish. It introduces the countries where it is spoken.

Learning another language is an experience that no one can take away from you. It is beneficial for you in aspects like, improving your memory, connecting with other people, understanding other cultures, increasing job opportunities, traveling, improving your first language, building up self-confidence, and allowing you to develop better communication skills.   Have a positive attitude toward learning.  It is never too late to learn a second language. Do not be afraid of speaking in the target language.  The more you practice, better you become. Feel free to ask questions.  Enjoy learning Spanish and have fun with it! Always do your best!


Spanish is an ACADEMIC elective, for such reason it is expected to:   

  • perform with excellence.
  • practice the four language domains listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
  • do not get behind (the material is accumulative).
  • keep up with the daily classwork, homework and daily participation.
  • practice speaking in Spanish, not in English.
  • Participate in class


Textbook- Senderos (the textbook is online)

3 Ring binder or notebook (your option)

Headphones/Earbuds (Wireless/Bluetooth headphones are not allowed)

Paper & Pencil

Spanish/English dictionary (It is up to you)

Course Fee of $10.00 due by:              ______________________________.


This fee helps with the purchase of technology and learning resources.

Per administration orders, students on reduced lunch must pay $5.00.  Free lunch will have no charge. 

There is a service fee if you pay online through “My School Bucks”.

Platforms used in Spanish class

In Spanish class two (2) platforms are used: Schoology and VHL Central. 

  1. Schoology
  2. VHL Central- students have to open an account. In this platform students have access to the Spanish textbook, videos, practice exercises, daily assignments, quizzes and exams.


Remind 101 and Google Classroom Codes


Remind 101- Send a text to 81010

2nd Block

Text this message: @ec3cccg

3rd Block

Text this message: @2eg89a

4th Block

Text this message: @7cd6keh


All graded assignments are based on a total points system.

All assignments are graded on accuracy not completion.

Formal Assessments- 70% consist of: 40%- Tests and Essays and 30%- Projects and Assessments

Informal Assessments- 30%

-daily practice, homework, include online work from VHLcentral, worksheets, class participation activities with speaking and book activities.


Comprehensive semester exam 20% of final grade. (ALL students must take the Comprehensive Exam)

(I may give a quiz evaluating your listening and reading comprehension, or I may evaluate your speaking skills with a recording or interview.)

  • Tests and quizzes are to be taken in class, not at home. If you are absent you will take it as soon as you return.
  • There is no test retake.

Missing Assignments


Missing assignments will be coded- EX (excused), AB (absent), NHI (not handed in)


Late assignments


A 50% will be deducted on late assignments.

Note: Do NOT ask for extra credit.  There is NO extra credit in this class.  You must see every assignment as an opportunity to do well.  Work hard from the very beginning. Grades are earned, not given.

Expectations/Class rules

  1. Respect the teacher and classmates.
  2. Be on time and ready to learn.
  3. Do not get distracted during instructional time.
  4. Submit assignments on time. A late penalty will be applied.
  5. Do not leave the classroom without a pass.
  6. No eating or drinking in the classroom.
  7. No electronic devices without teacher's approval. (Keep your cellphone in your closed backpack)
  8. Do not cheat or plagiarize, if so, you will receive a
  9. Follow dress code according to the Student Handbook.
  10. Ask questions if you do not understand the material. (I do not know any person that offers tutoring for Spanish.)



Conversation – Students are allowed to participate in class or talk to each other using a low volume if the teacher is not explaining the material or providing instruction.  During instructional time, students should be quiet paying attention.

Help – If you have any question raise your hand to get the teacher’s attention. Wait for the teacher to receive your answer.

Activity – Objectives, daily tasks and assessments will be written on the board. 

Movement – Students are not walking around in class at any moment, unless they have been asked to do that.  Ask permission to get up if you need to use the trashcan, pencil sharpener, or talk to the teacher.

Participation – students’ participation is highly encouraged.  Do not be afraid of talking in the target language.  Participation must be in an orderly manner.

Success – To be successful in this class students must study material taught and memorize all vocabulary words provided.



Respond in an appropriate manner to everyone.

Excellence only.  No sloppy work or excuses.

Stay in your own personal space.

Pay attention and participate.

Encourage, not discourage others.

Come prepared to learn.

Take responsibility for your actions.




Make-up Work and Absences


Follow make-up work policy. (See Student Handbook)

  1. Make-up work is student’s responsibility. The student must ask for his/her missing work.
  2. The student will not be permitted to receive full credit for make-up work due to an unexcused absence. Make-up work submitted for an UNEXCUSED absence should include a penalty of 30% from the score.
  3. Students must make-up work within 3 days.
  4. If a student misses an announced test or assignment due to an absence from school, the student will make up the test or turn in the assignment upon the student’s return to class.
  5. If you are absent check Schoology for weekly agenda, daily course content and assignments.


BE AWARE that ALL students have three (3) days to submit an excuse to the office for an absence.


Poor attendance usually results in low grades in language courses.  

Cell phones and other devices:


  1. If your phone or device rings during class, simply turn it off. Phones are never out.
  2. Are not on your desk during class, unless I ask you to take it out.
  3. Are not under your desk during class, ever.
  4. Are put away in your backpack or purse, not in your pockets or jackets. Keep your backpack and purse closed.



  1. Offense #1- warning/put your cell phone away. Your name will be written on the cell phone warning chart.
  2. Offense #2- the teacher will take the phone for the remainder of the block. A check mark will be written next to your name. (If you refused to give your phone to the teacher a white card will be submitted to an administrator)
  3. Offense #3- your phone will be taken away to be send it to the office and a white card will be submitted to an administrator.


Parent/Teacher Conference/Email


Parent/Teacher conference will be scheduled through the school counselor.  EHS (334) 347-2640.

Email- (I do not answer emails after 4:00 pm.  You will receive an answer the next day.



Get Help Via Phone- Vista Higher Learning (when having technical difficulties)

  • Student support line 1-800-248-2813
  • Mon-Fri 8:00-9:00 pm EST and Sun- 11:30-9:00 pm EST
  • Sat 11:30 am – 8:00 pm EST (School and Semester Only)

How To Videos


  • While on the Supersite, at the top right corner of the screen, hover over “Help”
  • Select “How-to Videos”- short, specific videos to address Supersite questions.

Scope and Sequence- Spanish 1

Lección 1- Hola, ¿Qué tal?                                 

  • Nouns and articles
  • Numbers 0-30
  • Present tense of ser
  • Telling Time

Lección 2- En la clase                                           

2.1 Present tense of -ar verbs                                   

2.2 Forming questions in Spanish                              

2.3 Present tense of estar                                         

2.4 Numbers 31 and higher                                       

Lección 3- La Familia                                           

3.1 Descriptive adjectives                                                                            

3.2 Possessive adjectives

3.3 Present tense of -er and -ir verbs

3.4 Present tenser of tener and venir

Lección 4- Los pasatiempos

4.1 Present tense of ir

4.2 Stem-changing verbs: e---- ie; o -----ue

4.3 Stem changing verbs e--- i

4.4 Verbs with irregular yo forms