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Enterprise High School

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Aviation (Dual Enrollment)

WHAT DO STUDENTS LEARN IN AVIATION CLASSES?  Students interested in aviation-related careers should consider the Aviation courses offered at ECTC. These courses earn students dual enrollment credit through the Alabama Aviation College (AAC), a division of Enterprise State Community College. AAC offers programs in Airfame & Powerplant (A&P) and Avionics. 

Aviation maintenance technology specialists repair basic aircraft electrical systems, sheet metal structures, and jet engines. They are trained to troubleshoot aircraft problems and perform inspections which are required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).  These courses can provide a jumpstart on an AAC degree - or provide an intoduction to skills necessary in any type of mechanical career. 

Courses: Course descriptions here (see pg. 27) - ESCC/AAC college catalog (link to external site; not maintained by EHS)
  • AMT 100 - Technical Preparation 
  • AMT 101 - Basic Electricity 
  • AMT 102 - Materials and Processes 
  • AMT 111 - Aircraft Sheet Metal Structures  

click here for Aviation VIDEO

Industry-Recognized Certifications

  • begin preparation for FAA Airframe License

Instructor - Mr. Ronnie Gibes


ESCC/AAC dual enrollment application materials here (link to external site; not maintained by EHS)

Each AMT dual enrollment course earns a students 5 hours of AAC credit.

Currently, as of 08/08/2022, AMT dual enrollment course tuition is paid by Alabama's Workforce Development Grant.

Dual Enrollment AMT courses can be taken in any order.