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Enterprise High School

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Work-Based Learning CO-OP

The Work-Based Learning  program at EHS provides students the opportunity to evaluate and develop a career plan and update a career portfolio with work experience. Students are dismissed early from the school to work in local businesses and schools. Positions are earned through job interviews. Students must work a minimum number of hours per week and are required to keep a record of hours worked. Students must provide their own transportation.   

Who can participate in CO-OP?  Juniors and Seniors are allowed to participate in CO-OP.  A minimum GPA of 2.0, completion of Career Prep, and at least one additional Career Tech class is required for admission into the program.  

To be considered for acceptance into CO-OP, the student must submit a completed application, acquire 3 teacher recommendations, participate in a teacher interview, and have satisfactory attendance and discipline records.

Courses: For course descriptions, view the current curriculum guide on the Guidance page.

NOTE: CO-OP applications are available each school year during registration.  In addition, applications for second semester are available at the beginning of October through mid November.  Exact dates will be announced through the EHS daily announcements.

Instructor: Mrs. Melanie Steed


  • 70+ industry partnerships help students gain work experience
  • 61,000+ student hours worked in our surrounding community
  • $3.1 million economic impact since 2018