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Enterprise High School

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Transcript Requests Educational Verifications

Mrs. Goodson fills transcript requests and education verifications, transfers and receives student records, and processes all student withdrawals. 

Mrs. Dow greets visitors, schedules conferences, and requests assignments.  She also receives and fills transcript requests and educational verifications. 

To request a transcript, download the form in the forms section of the guidance website and bring it or mail it to EHS with the $7 processing fee for current students and $10 processing fee for graduates. Please note that we only accept cash or check in our office.  You can also click the Need My Transcript Link to submit an online request.  (The fee will be slightly more if you use the online request portal.)  It takes approximately 48 hours for a transcript request to be processed. However, please make your request at least 10 days prior to a transcript deadline in order to ensure that school receives your transcript in a timely manner. Please plan ahead!

**Effective January 1, 2018, there will be a $20.00 (+$5.95 handling) charge for educational verifications. All educational verifications must be requested through the Need My Transcript Link. 

The guidance fax number is 334-347-8416.